As Stil Ahşap ,
The purpose of our Integrated Management System, which includes all issues of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety; to meet the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, to fulfill our responsibilities towards the society, the environment and our employees, and to continuously improve our service quality.

To achieve this aim;

- We will adopt providing quality production / service and customer-oriented work as the basic principle in all the projects we will realize,

- With the awareness of our environmental and social responsibilities with its strategic aspect, we will create a positive impact for our society and our world with a holistic sustainability approach wherever we operate and in all areas,

- We will fulfill the obligations of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety regulations,

- We will create and increase the awareness of our employees, stakeholders and society on Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety,

- İş kazası ve meslek hastalıklarının önlenmesi için güvenli ve sağlıklı çalışma koşulları sağlayacağımızı,

- We will carry out activities aimed at eliminating hazards and reducing all risks,

- We will use energy and natural resources efficiently,

- We will continuously improve our Integrated Management System performance,

- We will establish and adopt the awareness that activities related to Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety are the common responsibility of all employees, and that we will also provide consultation and participation of all employees,

- With the awareness that our most important value is human resources, we will keep employee quality and satisfaction at the highest level by employing employees with high competencies and continuously investing in our employees, we are committed.